Spadina Quay: A downtown wetland.
Since the beginning of the City strike, we haven't been able to go to Riverdale Farm even for a visit since the park itself is closed. However, some of the other stewardship sites are not out of bound so today, I paid a visit to the Spadina Quay Wetland.
It's located on the waterfront right at the foot of Spadina. I received an eMail from the leader of the site which, for the first year, was going to have a regular weekly stewardship team. Of course, the strike put an end to that, at least for the time being. In previous years, the site was attended only on an occasional basis. I remember going there with my Beechwood stewardship team one evening last summer.
This wetland site is small but quite interesting. The stewards battle invasives such as thistle, bird foot trefoil, and most prevalent, cow vetch.
It is also home to a variety of birds such as the red-winged black bird. The Toronto Star had a funny article in June about this bird battling a goose that got too close to a nesting site.
Last year, there was also a beaver in residence. I'm not sure if it's still there this year.
Other sightings include swans and black-crowned night herons.
(photo by Don Watcher)
(photo by Don Watcher)